August 31, 2007

Random Friday

Posted in Uncategorized at 6:00 pm by sillydreamer

Happy Friday everyone!!!  Not only is it Friday but Monday is a holiday so that means 3 days off.  How could we improve on that??

Did you guys notice my award over in the sidebar?  That was given to me by my bloggy friend Beckie and if you haven’t visited her site yet, you should.  I thoroughly enjoy reading her blog and sometimes I think we must have been separated at birth lol.  Thanks again Beckie 🙂

If you merely glanced at my cute little award, please take a minute to fully appreciate all the hard work it took for me to figure out how to place it in the sidebar.   I do not know why I have such a hard time figuring out how to work WordPress but I swear, everything I try fails the first 300 times I do it.  Then magically on the 301st try, it works and I really think I am just doing the same thing over and over.  I know that can’t be true but it seems that way!  Anyway, I did it!!!!  Go me!

Football season officially starts for us tomorrow as we are heading up to Texas Stadium for the Tom Landry Classic.  I’m excited to see the girls perform and a little excited to go to Texas Stadium before it’s torn down or whatever they plan to do with it once the new stadium is built.  The rest I can do without.  Except the nachos, that will be enjoyable.  I can’t help but feel like I am sitting and wasting my time during the game.  I’m just sitting, I’m not doing anything and I get so bored. 

I don’t have any other plans except to pick up the rest of the school supplies for the girls.  It’s quite a list too……dry erase markers, AAA batteries and sticky notes?  Those are the things that kind of stand out.  The rest is normal stuff.  Also a ream of copy paper for each child?  I would think the school is making a freaking fortune off the multitude of vending machines filled with crap and sodas that they could afford some paper but that’s probably a post for another time. 

Enjoy your week-end 🙂

August 28, 2007

Tuesday’s 10

Posted in family, thoughts at 3:35 pm by sillydreamer

How about the opposite of last week’s 10

10 Things I do Believe

1.  I  believe that every person that comes into your life will teach you something about yourself.

2.  I believe that I will be dead much, much longer than I will be alive.

3.  I believe that a hard head makes a soft a$$

4.  I believe that the kindest words you can say sometimes is “I’m sorry”.

5.  I believe the definition of being “rich” is having enough money to buy all the things you need and some of the things you want.

6.  I believe two of the best things you can teach your children are responsibility and compassion.

7.  I believe your choice of friends say more about you than you can ever say for yourself.

8.  I believe listening is more important than talking.

9.  I believe age IS a state of mind.

10.  I believe everyone should learn how to be a gracious winner AND loser.

August 27, 2007

New Beginnings

Posted in family, school, teen ager, thoughts at 4:10 pm by sillydreamer

The girls went back to school today so we’re off to a whole new “year”.  I miss them when they are gone, I know that makes me goofy Mommy, but I do.  Even though they are in 10th and 11th grades I still make them take their “first day of school” picture before we leave.  LOL!  Haley was first and when I asked her was she ready for me to take her pictures she throws her head back and says “are we STILL doing that”?  Well of course we are silly girl. 

The week-end was pretty uneventful.  We did a little shopping and bought our season tickets for the football games and that was about it.   I’m excited about the tickets because we were able to score some seats on the end of a row so I don’t have to worry about stepping over people go get to my spot.  I know most people would be all excited about seats on the 50 yard line but that’s sooo not me.  I even joked as we were standing in line that it would be nice if the people’s names were on the board so you could see who you were going to be sitting next to and lo and behold, that’s how they do it!  Hats off to whoever implemented that wonderful idea 🙂

 Off to start lunch and pick up the play room.  I hope everyone has a great day 🙂

August 23, 2007

Prayers please

Posted in daycare at 3:20 pm by sillydreamer

One of my little daycare guys is on his way to Children’s for a CT and possibly a spinal tap as I am writing this.  Please send some prayers and good vibes out for him and his parents.

He has complained off and on since Friday of a head ache.  He will mention it and then run on about his business.  His Mom said he woke up screaming this morning saying it hurt really bad.  She had him elaborate (he’s 3) and he told her it was like a man outside his window came in and hit him in the head with a hammer.   She called the Dr. and got in first thing this morning.  His Mom said he screamed and cried and did not want the Dr. to touch him which is very, very unusual for him.  He loves going to the Dr. and he tells her to look in his ears, etc.  Dr. looked at him for awhile and said she thinks it could be viral meningitis so she has sent them on to Dallas.   I’m so worried about him and I just hate the thought of him having to do the spinal tap but I know the Dr.’s need to do the proper tests to get the answers for them.   Please say a prayer for my little guy and his parents this morning.  

Update:  The CT came back fine and the Dr.’s didn’t feel a spinal was necessary as they don’t think he has viral meningitis.  They sent him home with something for pain so we’ll see what happens.